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Apr 22, 2019

Changing things up this week in order to bring you the awesome, eclectic synth sound of ACP PRO. What are ACP PRO members Seth and Vlad's thoughts on history, horror, music and more. We find out what inspires them, where their name came from and their feelings on the creative process. 

They even join us for our review of Michael vs Jason: Evil Emerges, an Austrailian fan film available for free on You Tube. 

And our question of the week goes to the boys of ACP PRO:

What are the bands 5 biggest influences?

Remember if you use our link ( we get a little bit of money towards server costs at no extra cost to you. So go ahead and buy those Animal Butt Magnets you've always wanted. 

Segment Times   

ACP PRO Interview: 10:44
Michael vs. Jason: Evil Emerges (with ACP PRO): 47:10
Question of the week with ACP PRO: 1:06:25
Ravens and Wolves: ACP PRO: 1:10:23
We have a store! Check out our shirts, mugs, bags and phone cases here: Buy cool crap!

And you can always reach us at or at our Facebook Page : 

 ACP PRO music can be found here:

Opening Theme

Loved to Death

Thank you to Dance With the Dead for the use of their song "Salem" off of their new album Loved to Death. Available on Bandcamp


DJ Ten - Trinity
Snap Decisions theme: Skin by DJ Ten (feat Mecha Malko)
Available on Bandcamp