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Feb 4, 2019

 If nothing else we are diverse. Where else can you learn about the failed music festival Fyre, AND Alexander Hamilton, AND the murderous Punisher in about an hour? And follow it up with deep introspection about Milli Vanilli?

Our pop culture riddled brains are here for your amusement people. Also, Rob gets to rant about something that annoys him, and we make terrible Super Bowl picks. (Are we supposed to call it "Big game" picks now?)

And our question of the week, what were the biggest scams in entertainment?

Remember if you use our link ( we get a little bit of money towards server costs at no extra cost to you. So go ahead and buy that VHS Cover Art Book you've always wanted. 


Segment Times 

Re-visiting Past Topics: 17:55
Fyre: The Greatest Party that Never Happened: 20:20
Snap Decision: 40:15
Hamilton: 44:53
The Punisher: 55:22
The Question of the Week - Biggest Entertainment Scams: 1:04:35
Weekly Rant: 1:23:52
We have a store! Check out our shirts, mugs, bags and phone cases here: Buy cool crap!

And you can always reach us at or at our Facebook Page : 


Opening Theme

Loved to Death

Thank you to Dance With the Dead for the use of their song "Salem" off of their new album Loved to Death. Available on Bandcamp

Closing theme


DJ Ten - Trinity
Snap Decisions theme: Skin by DJ Ten (feat Mecha Malko)
Available on Bandcamp